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Getting Started

Quickly add ABIType to your TypeScript project

This section will help you start using ABIType in your TypeScript project. You can also try ABIType online in a TypeScript Playground.


pnpm add abitype


Since ABIs can contain deeply nested arrays and objects, you must either assert ABIs to constants using const assertions or use the built-in narrow function (works with JavaScript). This allows TypeScript to take the most specific type for expressions and avoid type widening (e.g. no going from "hello" to string).

const erc20Abi = [...] as const
const erc20Abi = <const>[...]
import { narrow } from 'abitype'
const erc20Abi = narrow([...])

Once your ABIs are set up correctly, you can use the exported types and utilities to work with them. You can also import already set-up ABIs from the abitype/abis entrypoint to get started quickly.

import { 
type ExtractAbiFunctionNames<abi extends Abi, stateMutability extends AbiStateMutability = AbiStateMutability> = Extract<abi[number], { type: "function"; stateMutability: stateMutability; }>["name"]

Extracts all AbiFunction names from Abi.

} from 'abitype'
import {
const erc20Abi: readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [ { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; } ]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [ { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; } ]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [ { readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; } ]; readonly outputs: readonly [ { readonly name: ""; readonly type: "uint256"; } ]; }, ... 7 more ..., { ...; }]
} from 'abitype/abis'
type Result = "symbol" | "name" | "allowance" | "balanceOf" | "decimals" | "totalSupply"
type ExtractAbiFunctionNames<abi extends Abi, stateMutability extends AbiStateMutability = AbiStateMutability> = Extract<abi[number], { type: "function"; stateMutability: stateMutability; }>["name"]

Extracts all AbiFunction names from Abi.

const erc20Abi: readonly [{ readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Approval"; readonly inputs: readonly [ { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; } ]; }, { readonly type: "event"; readonly name: "Transfer"; readonly inputs: readonly [ { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "from"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: true; readonly name: "to"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly indexed: false; readonly name: "value"; readonly type: "uint256"; } ]; }, { readonly type: "function"; readonly name: "allowance"; readonly stateMutability: "view"; readonly inputs: readonly [ { readonly name: "owner"; readonly type: "address"; }, { readonly name: "spender"; readonly type: "address"; } ]; readonly outputs: readonly [ { readonly name: ""; readonly type: "uint256"; } ]; }, ... 7 more ..., { ...; }]
, 'view'>

What's next?

After setting up your project with ABIType, you are ready to dive in further! Here are some places to start: